"Those who hate me, wish to be me. And those who hunt me...well. They will never win me."


NAME:Calixte Golmarr
AGE:Never ask. Ninety-six summers
HOMELAND:The Golmore jungle of dalmasca
SPECIES:Rava Viera
SEXUALITY:Sapphic leaning, pansexual
HEIGHT:6 fulms 3 ilms (~190 cm)
LANGUAGES:common (with a heavy ravan accent), Ravanese, Dalmascan, high ivalician, illiterate
CLASSES:Archery, daggers, limited white magicks and fisticuffs
OCCUPATION:Ex-professional dancer. Huntress. Adventurer for hire. Honey Pot


"You long to be honeyed skin and soft curls, but beneath it all, your blood boils fiercely. You were born with heaven and hell already in you." – unknown

face: dyed rouge hair that extends to their thighs. wildly colored lips and eyelids. dark, striped tattoos reminiscent of their village's customs. a notable beauty mark next to full lips. a sharp smile and a seering crimson gaze.

build: a curled, tattoo (similar to the manor tattoo) that spans down their right bicep, scars peppering their lower back, long limbs and claws typical of viera. soft with some muscle definition in the arms and abdomen. wider hips. a hare-like tail and feet.

Demeanor: easily the life of the party or a mere observative bystander, calixte is the embodiment of confidence, oftentimes exuding an air of irresponsibility, brashness, and cluelessness. rest assured, they've played the game long enough to know exactly what they are doing. It is up to you to figure out their tricks and strip them of their many masks.

vivacious ✧ seductive ✧ confident ✧ mischievous ✧ curious ✧ poised ✧ mysterious ✧ indulgent ✧ thrill-seeking

"Am I selfish for craving life's luxuries at the expense of those whose coffers are well past bursting? I say no— you only live once, my love."

Likes ❤️Dislikes ❌
fine jewelry & clothingscholarly work & books
music & dancecooking
triple triad, linkpearl chatsheroism
liquor & moko. lots of it.uptight individuals. garleans.

Additional Information

Voice ClaimYubin prev. of wonder girls, Viera voice 3
"Face inspiration"Beyonce, Naomi Campbell
Alignment:chaotic neutral
Element:Fire, wind
tarot card:the devil
Trust profile:
Orchestrion Roll❤️

And so, they left. It only seemed natural that they did.

Kljsha Golmarr. Beloved child of the Wood. Protector of the Green Word. Blight to the Golmorr Village.

All titles detailing a life of exceedingly rising expectations, and Kljsha's somewhat inherent inability to reach them. They were too busy dawdling off during their bow lessons and tournaments, the village leaders' had accused. Kissing fellow Viera in hanging brush, with little to no interest in the war surrounding them nor the looming responsibility to spawn offspring. What would be the point anyway, when fellow Village Wardens said they would never amount to anything, and the tribal marks on their cheeks no longer were a sign of pride, but of shame in the eyes of other Rava.
They ended up leaving the village and the Wood altogether with a heavy belly, a deep set hatred for Imperials, and disillusions towards their own kin.

The Gods decide who to look upon favorably. They are hardly ever one of them.

Parenthood had been stolen from them by fate. Tainted love and hatred had come to them embodied in a vile, Roegadyn pirate. The simple joys of life had come in Thavnair's seaside towns, where bards would regale the tales of old civilizations past – the gems they had, the people and their thoughts. It is how they fell in love with melodies and storytelling, and the name Calixte fell upon their quivering ears. They took it up, forever stripping away a part of their wretched past.

Eorzea brought to them a sense of rebirth compared to the old ghosts that followed them relentlessly in the Near East. This respite hardly lasts long, as they discover new demons and confusing customs. Their time cooperating with the Twin Adders, their brief run-ins with the Scions, and their diplomacy out to Coerthas had been enough to inform them that blind heroism for those who care naught for them is not– and will never– be the path for them to choose. Along the way, they further dissociate from the cultures' ideas of womanhood. They wish to only be thought of as a Viera. A little more, but nothing less.

Thus, the Crimson Deity is born. Swindling the hearts and coffers of many, with each honeyed smile and shake of their hips.

The East finds them again. Or rather, Radz-at-Han called back to them like an old lover. This time, they are older and smarter, despite the feelings misdirection. At least their love for music and the arts never died, and they decide to take up the chakrams, this time, not in combat.

Sadly, traveling with a hodgepodge of performers and thespians, requires some line of defense. So on Calixte's travels around the world for song and dance, they entrance and steal the hearts of numerous innocent souls, flirts and kisses the lucky ones as though they've loved them forever, breaks a thousand more hearts, and..gets in some nasty business. Not from the occasional bar fight because of misplaced hand or violent jeer, but because of...well. Fame is more of a burden than a blessing, and their ethereal looks, an omen for those unfortunate. It's safe to say many of the influential in Ul'dah and elsewhere want them dead.

"If I am bound for hell, so be it. You hate me, and I hate you. We'll see who hates best."

After over two decades in the spotlight, the Crimson Deity disappears from sight. Rumors speculate it had been from defamation, the insurmountable debt they owe, or their dying passion for the art. No one's knows for sure, save for the very few in their inner circle...and even that lot, Calixte holds at an arm's length.
For now, they live nomadically. Rekindling old connections in locales they once called home and immersing themselves in less than honorable circles. You can most easily find them strolling through the streets of Kugane or Radz, eager for a new adventure or on the hunt, or veiled and masked with a bow strapped to their back in Uldah, Limsa...and most recently, Ishgard.
This page contains knowledge not publicly known about Calixte Golmarr.
This page is no longer up to date as of March 2023. Changes incoming.


malice obscured by beauty:
Calixte's in the business to do dirty work, as long as it does not involve the vulnerable and impoverished. the prospects of ruining the lives of those who have done so a thousand times over thrills them to no end.
heart of the party:
Seedy bars, hidden smoke lounges, and anywhere decent music can be heard, are all places that the viera is likely to frequent. and once they're there, they're bound to draw eyes or cause a ruckus, depending. feel free to approach..for business or pleasure revelry.
to tempt death:
why is it that this viera manages to steal all the high paying marks? is it because of the close relations they have with guild owners, their martial prowess, or their own greed? surely, they can't manage this one on their own-- convince them that your strength is worthy of that mark..or find a way to nab it from their hands.
the phoenix rises once more:
How odd is it to see the once famed crimson deity out in broad daylight? perhaps they are recognizable as the dancer they once were...or have a scarily good doppelganger. yet, who could possibly replicate that entrancing smirk or imitate that saunter with such ease?
to whom do i owe the pleasure:
No pleasantries here if this viera owes you an exorbitant amount of money. or a small amount. either way, you know an inkling of who they are behind that beautiful smile or have heard a few rumors on the streets. demand they pay up. or else.
kin by ears alone
Most viera who leave the wood yearn to connect with the like-minded, as they all have their reasons for betraying the green word. this viera is no exception.

For further discussion...

Little known facts regarding calixte and their circumstances that can incite a storyline. (Do not assume to know these upon interaction)→ leaving an ul'dahn noble at the altar and potential involvement in the death of a ul'dahn syndicate member
→ their service as a bowswoman to a dalmascan royal family. many of calixte's memories are buried in the giza plains and the fell ruins of rabanastre.
→ Once an upstanding warder to the golmarr village, a warmongering tribe known for their deadly defensive tactics and territorialism. this is evident by the marks on their cheeks

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Out of Character

Hi guys! I'm Mel (they/them), and I've been rping for well over a decade.

Some things to know first before you engage with me:

  • Please be over 21.

  • Know how to separate ooc from ic. My character is not me.

  • I am open to most themes with hardly any being hard no's or triggering. Do run more mature/dark things by me first though.

  • My character is flirty and at times, rather crass. If this offends your character, know that I won't take it personally (and that my character's only goal is NOT to get into yours' pants. I promise.)

  • With that being said, do not approach me with the sole intent to ship or erp. Calixte is incredibly complex and old, so it'll take an immense amount of time and plotting for there to be any chance. If your only intention is to erp... you're not slick, I will find out, and you will be sorely disappointed. :)

  • Many of Calixte's themes are a reflection of my experience as a black, queer femme aligning person. Please keep this in mind, and don't be a fetishizing, insensitive creep.

  • Due to my shit attention span and busy schedule, I can't do scenes over 2.5 hours.

Things Im Looking For ✔️No no's ❌
long-term / story-driven rp, where both our characters can develop!one-liners
para to multi-para if discord or google docs rpe/rp or "insta-shipping" bs with no buildup
a mix of discord and in-game interactions with discord being preferredwarriors of light
ooc communication, possibly friendship (and no further)possessive ooc behavior
Near and far easterners, the morally questionable, allies, (more) enemies, other vieraextreme lore-bending characters
other queer and/or poc writers!perma-death, god-modding, outright dick behavior

Found family, mischief, indulgence and revelry, action & adventure, slow-burn romance, gender identity & nonconformity, deep inter-personal relationships, struggles with self-identity, shifting morality (for better or worse), mature/dark, spirituality in regards to nature

Other things of note: I am sometimes busy or lacking muse, so my responses on discord can be slow, and I may be unavailable for in-game stuff. Hence, I ask for flexibility, open communication, and understanding. I will never rush you for a response, and I hope that you will treat me the same way ❤️
If any of this vibes with you, feel free to shoot me a /tell in game or dm me on discord! I welcome you with open arms, and I hope to meet you soon!